A new book on the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is slated for publication on 2013 and will be written by his high school love interest, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

The yet untitled tome will be a memoir of Chrisann Brennan, more popularly known as the first serious relationship of Mr Jobs and mother to Lisa Brennan-Jobs, and will be released by Macmillan's St Martin Press, The NY Times said.

Initial details from the publisher have indicated that Ms Brennan will mostly write on the unknown aspects of Mr Jobs' colourful life, touching on the tech icon's "enormous appeal, energy and drive as well as his developing ambition and ruthlessness in business and personal dealings."

The teenage sweetheart of Apple's leading figure is also expected to detail some of the moments she shared with Mr Jobs, who died October last year of pancreatic cancer.

Ms Brennan has previously described her relationship with Mr Jobs as rocky at best, CNET said on Thursday, and mostly on-and-off that eventually led to the birth of Lisa.

Why Ms Brennan was seriously drawn to the man who would preside over the creation of what stands now as the biggest global firm in terms of market capitalisation, she explained in a piece she wrote for U.S. magazine Rolling Stone in 2011.

She recalled meeting Mr Jobs at a very young age and "at 17, Steve had more than a touch of the cool sophistication of a Beat poet ... it is as if Beat poetry laid the future for technology in Steve."

Numerous media accounts suggested that Ms Brennan experience lots of pains while in a relationship with Mr Jobs, perhaps the most painful of which was when the latter initially insisted he was not the father of the infant Lisa.

The young mother and the baby, CNET reported, was forced to live on government subsidies until such time that Mr Jobs, who himself was given up for adoption by his biological parents, had relented for a paternity test, which proved that Lisa was his.

That episode in his life was regrettable, Mr Jobs was reported as saying by Walter Isaacson in the bio-book that the latter issued a few weeks after the demise of the man widely considered as one of the great minds who lived.

"I could not see myself as a father then, so I didn't face up to it . . . I tried to do the right thing. But if I could do it over, I would do a better job," Mr Jobs admitted.

The news about the book came out as stories about Mr Jobs again generate interests as the world commemorates his first death anniversary on Oct 5.

One piece was published online earlier this week by Forbes Magazine, in which long-time tech and finance journalist Connie Guglielmo recounted tales as shared by people and friends who had worked or briefly encountered Mr Jobs.

A former NeXT colleague of Mr Jobs, software engineer Randy Adams, told Ms Guglielmo of a time in 1986 when Microsoft co-founder visited the HQ of the firm that Mr Jobs had set up following his ouster from Apple.

Both not yet the multibillionaires that they became at that time, the two tech figures already had a simmering rivalry developing between them and Mr Jobs had let it known by leaving Mr Gates "waiting in the (NeXT) lobby for an hour, before calling the latter to his office, Mr Adams shared.

Mr Adams also pointed to an incident that for him proved the calculated business moves of Mr Jobs when one day in 1985 he was told that they need to hide the Porsche 911s the two men each owned because Ross Perot was coming over.

"Ross Perot is coming and thinking of investing in the company, and we don't want him to think we have a lot of money," Mr Jobs explained. The two sports car parked in front of NeXT office was pulled out.

NeXT ended up attracting $US20 million of investments from the maverick U.S. businessman-politician soon after.