
The Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) issued on Wednesday a broadcast notice to three local porn producers that they are not broadcasting the mandated 35 per cent required Canadian content.

That order would mean the AOV Adult Movie Channel, XXX Action Clips and Maleflixxx must produce more Canadian-made porn movies. The reprimand was based on a 24-hour broadcast schedule, meaning at least 8.5 hours of Canadian porn must be shown by these porn broadcasters.

Quoting the broadcast notice, National Post cited that CRTC told Maleflixxx, a gay channel, that Thursday's broadcast schedule include the showing of The American Way and The Hills are Alive, but the only Canada-made porn flick on the list is Men of Ottawa.

YouTube/Maleflixxx TRIBE

Channel Zero, the operator of the three porn channels, was renewing its licenses for the three channels when it was given the notice by CRTC, which would review the apparent non-compliance of the three channels in a hearing on April 28 at Gatineau, Quebec.

However, in a 2012 note to the regulator, Jennifer Chen, vice president of Channel Zero, said that the company had adjusted its programming strategy to have more Canadian porn in its line-up of erotic movies.

The note of CRTC, though, was criticised by Canadian think tank The Fraser Institute.

Steven Globerman, professor at Western Washington University in Bellingham and author of the report titled The Entertainment Industries, Government Policies and Canada's National Identify, commented, "Why is the government concerned that subscribers to adult channels are not receiving a certain quota of Canadian-made adult entertainment?"

He pointed out that the only reason for CRTC's move is to protect the Canadian adult movie producers from international competition.

Mr Globerman insisted that "Canadian-owned companies should not be expected to produce unprofitable programming, even if that programming can be expected to make significant contribution to Canadian identity, unless they are subsidized by the government to do so."

Using that argument, would Canadians allow taxpayer money to produce more made-in Canada porn movies just to satisfy the mandated local content requirement set by law?