We've heard of the possibility that Apple will bend a bit to market dictates as part of its 2013 roadmap and send out to store shelves two smartphones by second half of the year - the iPhone 5S for its traditional market base and the iPhone Mini for mass market release.

Now stories are circulating that two separate handsets from the tech giant are currently in the works and would likely hit production lines by Q2 2013, obviously geared for a holiday release this year.

According to BrightWire, iPhone Math would be released June this year to directly challenge what appears as a sure-fire global hit in Samsung's Galaxy S4. As expected, the rumoured Apple smartphone will sport a bigger screen, 4.8-inch to be exact, to keep pace with the S4's assumed 4.99-inch screen size.

And since this handset remains a product of somebody's wild imagination, though surprisingly attracting considerable coverage from a number of Chinese and Taiwanese publications, details of its supposed specs are at best scant.

The most that blog reports can offer is that this iPhone Math will be serving Retina display to match the S4's AMOLED. The rest of the phone's attributes will largely carry over what Apple had served during the iPhone 5's market launch in September 2012.

To get a clear picture and likely simulate how this supposed Apple phone will generally behave, refer for now on the iPhone 5.

To date, nothing is certain about the iPhone Math. It is likely that the name will be revised, with one report published by iPhoneInCanada.com suggesting that the name is too weird to even merit serious consideration from Apple executives.

More likely, the source of this news meant to float the term iPhone Max or iPhone Plus but Chinese publications have been persistent in using iPhone Math so the name stuck, BrightWire said.

To spice up this latest iPhone development, Apple is also reportedly looking for a holiday push on a third handset. This time, no name was attached to the 'planned unit' but one glaring detail was let out. It'll be a powerful camera phone with 12MP sensor on its rear shooter.

All told, the iPhone rumour mills have so far generated three fresh handsets that Apple might consider to actually manufacture. The list does not include the iPhone 5S (or iPhone 6), which analysts said will commence shipment between September and October this year, flexing 64-bit computing muscle via its A7 processing chips.

According to analysts, it's almost a sure bet that Apple will unleash the iPhone 5S and iPhone Mini later this year. It's a different story, however, for the iPhone Math, or whatever its name would be, and the alleged third Apple smartphone with an overpowered camera,

These rumoured handsets will likely occupy prominent space on upcoming iPhone stories but it's quite possible too that they will fizzle out to make way for the real deal, tech experts added.