Water Polo Australia (WPA) is one of the big winners in the Australian Sports Commission's (ASC) government investment allocations for 2013-14 with an increase of 21.5% on last year's allotment.

Read the Australian Sports Commission announcement .

Rewarded for performances at the London Olympics and some positive program enhancements since, plus the sport's vastly improved governance structures, Water Polo Australia has been allocated $3,171,000 in the ASC's 'Australia's Winning Edge' high performance framework.

Water Polo Australia CEO Chris Harrison has thanked the Australian Sports Commission for the increased funding, whilst outlining WPA's plans to improve in all areas of business.

"We are very grateful to the ASC and the Australian Government for the funds that we have been allocated to us under the Winning Edge government investment allocations," Harrison said.

"As a sport we are very proud of the improvements we have made in the areas of high performance and governance.

"We are also determined to continually review and improve all areas of business and that includes attracting greater levels of funding. One of the ongoing goals for WPA is to seek parity in funding with other team sports with similar high performance results."

Water Polo Australia, through the board, CEO and High Performance Unit, will now work with the sport's stakeholders to best utilise the funding in the year ahead.

To see the allocation of funds across all sports, click .

Australian Water Polo Inc