British actor Henry Cavill is not the only one bulking up for the "Man of Steel 2" film. "Fast and Furious" actress Gal Gadot, who will portray Wonder Woman in the movie sequel, recently showed off on Facebook her growing muscles as the result of her workout in preparation for her superheroine character.

"There's nothing like a good workout in the morning... Love it! You?" Ms Gadot wrote as a caption to the shared image on her Facebook page where she can be seen flexing her bicep. It looks like the actress is ready to strike back at the critics who slammed her for not looking tough enough to play Wonder Woman in "Man of Steel 2." Click HERE to see photo.

The Enstars report claims Gal Gadot had to deal with the detractors who were displeased with the "Man of Steel" producers' casting choice. "I represent the Wonder Woman of the new world," the actress stated to the Israeli entertainment news source "Good Evening with Gai Pines."

When the topic further shifted to the more specific criticism that she is too thin and Wonder Woman is always perceived as large-breasted, Ms Gadot gave her reaction to the issue. "Breasts... Anyone can buy for 9,000 shekels and everything is fine. Wonder Woman is Amazonian, and historically accurate Amazonian women actually had only one breast. So, if I'd really go 'by the book,' it'd be problematic."

The report even revealed that Gal Gadot had been an actual soldier in the Israeli Army. Ms Gadot's experience in the army can help her with the physicality of her character especially in filming action scenes in "Man of Steel 2."

The actress further revealed that she currently works on a stern exercise regimen to prepare her for the role. The exercise regimen includes kickboxing, Kung Fu, Brazilian Jiujitsu and swords. Robert 'Maximus' MacDonald, the owner of Gym Jones, revealed that he is also training Gal Gadot in addition to Henry Cavill, who reprises his role as Superman in the "Man of Steel 2" film.

"Man of Steel 2" is scheduled to be released in movie theaters on May 6, 2016. As for the superheroes' costumes, the suit designs reported to be more conservative this time are expected to be finally revealed in a couple of weeks.

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