Game of Thrones executive producer is absolutely pleased with how Blackwater was pieced together for the television screen.

"The episode has dramatically exceeded our expectations, and much of the credit for that goes to our superhuman [visual effects] team, lead by Steve Kullback and Rainer Gombos," executive producer David Benioff told Entertainment Weekly's James Hibberd a week before the pre-finale aired.

"It's a monster episode, we all knew that going in, but foreknowledge doesn't diminish the workload," Benioff added.

Blackwater Ratings

Game of Thrones typically gets 10.3 million viewers per episode on average, but just when it aired its most anticipated war episode, the epic swords and majesties series got only 3.4 million viewers.

One thing is for sure, though, Blackwater is not the reason behind the ratings drop. The Memorial Day weekend has a lot to do with Game of Thrones' fall in ratings.

Memorial Day weekends usually translate to an estimated 20 per cent drop in ratings for television shows in general.

Inside TV's Hibberd pointed out Game of Thrones gathered only 2.4 million viewers for the seventh episode of its first season, also aired to head on with Memorial weekend.

All the hard work of Thrones showrunners and creative people are paying off quite nicely. It is currently the third most-watched series of all time in HBO's history, with OnDemand and HBO Go viewership included.

Game of Thrones Season 2 finale: "Valar Morghulis"

Anticipation is up again among Thrones fans, as the epic series is down to its final episode for the second season: "Valar Morghulis." Will there be more battle scenes, massive explosions and body dismemberment? What happens next to the major characters?

Fans know there will be more questions at the end of the weekend finale. Season endings are all about cliffhangers, after all. It makes everything all the more exciting. Even readers of George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire are missing heartbeats in the television adaptation of the popular novel.

Also read:

Game of Thrones "Blackwater" Review and Tyrion Lannister Memes in Tumblr (PHOTOS)