‘Game of Thrones’ fact: Jon Snow is the new ‘He Who Must Not Be Named'; Show-runners used ‘LC’ as codename

Just like Harry Potter’s nemesis Lord Voldemort (He Who Must Not Be Named), “Game of Thrones” cast and crew members were banned from saying “Jon Snow” (Kit Harington) on set. Showrunners went to great lengths to keep Snow’s fate a secret, even though Harington spent a lot of time on GoT sets last year, more than any other cast member. None of the scripts provided to the actors had his name. Added to that, wardrobe materials, props, call sheets and screen breakdowns too never bore the name “Jon Snow.”
To make sure that the secret to Snow’s fate remained a secret, David Benioff and Dan Weiss used the code word “LC” in all communication, including verbal communication, to denote Snow. “LC” stands for “Lord Commander.”
“No one was allowed to say ‘Jon Snow’ on set, ever, everyone had to refer to me as ‘LC,’” Harington told Entertainment Weekly.
Exception was made to this ban only when shooting scenes where “Jon Snow” had to be used. The producers also always used “LC” when communicating between themselves to avoid a leak, in case outsiders overheard their conversation.
[Spoiler Alert] However, when shooting the resurrection scene, Carice van Houten, who plays The Red Woman Melisandre, teased Harington on the codeword while he lay naked on a table. When van Houten was washing his naked body, she decided to give Harington a new “LC”-based nomenclature. Keep guessing!
RELATED: 'Game of Thrones' Season 6: ‘You Know Nothing Jon Snow,’ a Melisandre perspective
In “Game of Thrones” Season 5 finale, Snow was seen stabbed multiple times by few men of the Night’s Watch, headed by Ser Alliser Thorne (Owen Teale). While showrunners and cast members maintained that Snow was dead and Harington even said that he would return in Season 6 only as a corpse, GoT fans refused to believe them and kept hunting for clues. Melisandre’s resurrection of Snow was a long-standing theory, and fans were happy when they got it right.
When “Game of Thrones” Season 6, episode 2 aired, a down and broken Melisandre performed the resurrection, even though she was least confident of her powers. It will be interesting to see whether Snow remains the Snow fans love or will he be a changed character.