The highly anticipated "Game of Thrones" Season 4 is set for a release date in early 2014. Here is what viewers can expect as the new season has some exciting new twists and bigger shocks than the Red Wedding.

Jon Snow

Jon Snow is back at the Night's Watch, and through some help from his dear friend, Sam, he gets elected to the position of Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. There will be some stiff competition for the position though with even Tywin Lannister trying to influence the outcome!

Where does his loyalty lie? With the Night's Watch or the Wildlings? Jon takes a practical approach and chooses to fight on the side of the living and tries to unite the Wildlings and the Night's Watch. Will this lead to disaster for him in "Game of Thrones" season 4?

Viewers will remember that Jon saw a giant for the first time in "Game of Thrones" season 3. The giant will obey the commands of Jon Snow till the very end. How long will the Nights Watch men listen to the commands of the new Lord Commander? The previous Lord Commander was killed by one of his own men!

Stannis Baratheon

The strong and unyielding Stannis Baratheon may have been beaten, but he is not giving up that easily. In season 3, viewers did not see much from the man as he is seen depressed with the loss.

"Game of Thrones" season 4 will be quite different as viewers will see him back in action. In a prudent battle strategy, he does not go after the secure and now more powerful House of Lannister but instead chooses to strike at the ruins in The North.

Stannis Baratheon also offers Jon Snow a title and the Kingdom of the North, which belonged to Jon's father, Ned Stark. Will Jon Snow swear allegiance to Stannis Baratheon? What could be the consequence if he refuses?

"Game of Thrones" season 4 will build up the stage for many huge battles to come. Perhaps one of the most important would be the battle of Stannis Baratheon and Roose Bolton. Readers will remember that Tywin Lannister made Roose Bolton Warden of the North.

It was Roose Bolton who personally killed his lord Robb Stark at the Red Wedding. The event had left many viewers shell shocked and seething with anger. Click here to read more spoilers as someone will come back from the dead to take revenge for the Red Wedding in "Game of Thrones" season 4.