Can you not imagine how Game of Thrones could still climb even higher after its critically acclaimed, "Red Wedding" episode? Got S4 penultimate episode Director Neil Marshall believes S4 Episode 9 will just be as devastating and gory. There will be a little drama and tragedy as three or four of the favorite characters will be butchered brutally. There will be more deaths this season.

Styr, the Magnar of Thenn will be played by Russian Yuri Kolokolnikov, a veteran actor in his homeland, having appeared in over a couple dozen shows. Styr leads Then, a warlike tribe beyond the Wall. At the end of season 3, the tribes are preparing to invade Westeros under its leader Mace Rayder (Ciaran Hinds) while Jon Snow (Kit Harington) was injured and returned to Castle Black with news of their movements.

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Season 4 is where some Lannisters will finally get their comeuppance but it should be fine, with the Freys and Boltons still to be introduced. It is the season to cover A Storm of Swords and some elements from A Feast for Crows as Tycho Nestoris seems to replace some characters from the Iron Bank of Braavos.

One of the favorite characters, Catelyn Stark, will come back to life. After her death at the Red Wedding, she was resurrected by some brotherhood and swore revenge against the Boltons and Freys for killing her and her son. She will manage to execute some Freys and later on become Lady Stoneheart, capturing Brienne of Tarth, who vowed to kill Jaime Lannister.

In the novels, Clegane raped and killed Martell's sister, ELia, who was married to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and killed her infant Aegon VI Targaryen. Oberyn wanted revenge and when Tyrion Lannister requested for a trial by combat for a murder he did not commit and Cersei having Gregor Clegane as her champion, Oberyn took the opportunity to kill the mountain. Oberyn is the Red Viper, a poison master, while Clegane was forced to admit his crimes before fooling Oberyn and caving his skull, beating Tyrion in the trial.

Jon Snow will recover from his injuries and eventually leads the defense of the wall and castle against Mance Rayder's horde. Ygritte is killed during the siege, where Ser Alliser Thorne will also return. Jon deceides to head out to the wildings under parlay to meet and kill Rayder but the Wildings are defeated. Rayder is captured and Snow survives. He becomes the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch as Ramsay Bolton becomes the Lord of Winterfell.

Shay and Varys also known as "The Spider" betrays Tyrion while Jaime admitted his first love was not really for a prostitute and that made Tyrion swore revenge on the Lannisters. Tyrion didn't know he was already the heir to Casterly Rock and shot Tywin with the crossbow, killing him. This season will also finally see the death of evil Joffrey Barratheon, after marrying Margaery Tyrell.
