"Game of Thrones" casts British actor Struan Rodger as the Third-Eyed Raven in the fourth season of the hit fantasy series. According to reports, Rodger lists the role of Three-Eyed Raven on his online CV. The role is crucial for the series and it might not be part of the main storyline initially, but later, will be important for Bran.

Caution: "Game of Thrones" spoilers.

Rodger is not new to the British audience as he has appeared in "Chandler and Co.," "Rumpole of the Bailey," and "Law and Order." He had given his voice to Face of Boe in the hit series, "Doctor Who." According to HBO Watch, Rodger was brought onboard as the Third-Eyed Raven, but his role in the forthcoming season of "Game of Thrones" remains unclear.

The Three-Eyed Raven in the series "Game of Thrones" is known Three-Eyed Crow in George R.R. Martin's series "Song of Ice and Fire." The character of Three-Eyed Crow appears as a bird in the Bran, but it takes the shape of a physical character in the fifth novel titled, "A Dance of Dragons."

In the third season of "Game of Thrones," Bran had separated from Osha and his brother, Rickon Stark, and steered Beyond the Wall to meet the Three-Eyed Raven with Meera Reed, Hodor and Jojen. After parting ways, Bran meets Samwell and the latter gives him information about the Wall and what he can expect north of it.

In the fifth novel, "A Dance of Dragons," Bran Stark meets Bloodraven somewhere north of the Wall, when he comes to know that the mystical creature called Three-Eyed Crow, he 's looking for and Bloodraven are the same.

Bloodraven is also called Three-Eyed Raven and Lord Brynden Rivers. The character is the unlawful son of Aegon IV Targaryen and is believed to be hundreds of years old. Bloodraven or Brynden was later legalised and served as the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and the Hand of the Kings.

According to Hitflix, it is peculiar to see the character appear in the season four of "Game of Thrones" while in the book it makes its appearance in the fifth instalment. The website speculates that the introduction of Third-Eyed Raven in the fourth season is a desperate attempt to speed up Bran's storyline which is fairly slow in the books.

"Game of Thrones" season 4 premieres in 2014.