The official trailer of "Game of Thrones" Season 4 has finally been released. King Joffrey and Tyrion got the most time in the trailer and fans are eager to see Tyrion Lannister, who is seen in handcuffs.

The producers of "Game of Thrones" Season 4 recently had a "Roast Joffrey" event online, asking the fans to air their anger on the character. Many fans took to the social media like Twitter and Instagram to share their comments.

Given that King Joffrey will be having a wedding in "Game of Throne" Season 4, all eyes will be on him to see if his reign will stabilise after the marriage and if he will ever be able to wield any actual power.

Fans were treated to images of all the popular characters like Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Lord Varys, Stannis Baratheon, Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish and Arya Stark. Viewers also got a glimpse of a new character, the Red Viper.

Interestingly, the dragons were missing in the trailer as also the White Walkers. Some of the characters not seen in the trailer include Sansa Stark, Bronn, Shae, Grand Maester Pycelle and Margaery Tyrell.

One of the most popular characters in "Game of Thrones" Season 4 is Tyrion Lannister. The character is seen to be in some deep trouble as he is handcuffed and says that he may not be able to escape by talking his way out of the trouble.

Fans also got a glimpse of the exciting single hand combat scene involving Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell also known as the Red Viper. He is seen wielding a spear as he fights his opponent.

Major twists are expected in "Game of Thrones" Season 4 and fans of the series may have gotten accustomed to the shocks after the death of Robb Stark in season 3 in the Red Wedding.

There may be a few unexpected deaths awaiting the fans in the upcoming season as well and fans who have not read the books hope that their favourite character do not die. Fans who have read the books can't wait to see the events in the book brought to life on screen.

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