Viewers who were shell shocked with the "Red Wedding" may get some satisfaction in the "Game of Thrones" Season 4. One of the dead characters will come back to life to exact vengeance.

Lady Stone Heart:

Catelyn Stark and her son Robb were brutally murdered at a wedding along with many of the soldiers from the Stark House. The murder was considered most shocking as they were planned by the host of the wedding - Walder Frey.

Catelyn is brought back to life by the Brotherhood Without Banners. She assumes the name Lady Stone Heart in the "Game of Thrones" Season 4 and is all set to get her vengeance upon the House of Frey, the Boltons and the House Lannister.

Fans have seen bloody battles in all the previous seasons, but the "Game of Thrones" Season 4 will not just see two armies facing each other in open battle, the Brotherhood Without Banners will strike from the shadows without warning!

Littlefinger the Romantic Lord of the Vale:

Petyr Baelish was always in love with Catelyn Stark, unable to marry her he now sets his eyes on her daughter Sansa. He helps her escape from the Lannisters and takes her away to the Vale.

Viewers will remember that the Vale belongs to Lysa Tully. He offers to marry her and in effect becomes the Lord Preotector of the Vale. "Game of Thrones" Season 4 will finally give him real power in the form of a strong castle and an army of his own.

Death to the Lannisters:

There is another wedding being planned and this time it's the turn of House Lannister to face death. There are two big deaths expected in the Lannisters' family in the "Game of Thrones" Season 4.

Will the Lannisters end up just like the Starks? Who will emerge stronger amidst all the death and chaos? Both the House Tyrell and House Martell are strong contenders; viewers can expect to see new and exciting characters from these families.

Lord Commander Jon Snow:

There is evil rising beyond the wall in "Game of Thrones" Season 4 and Jon Snow is voted the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Will he bring order to the rag tag group of cut throats and thieves? Or will he end up just like his brother Robb?

Viewers will see the ranks of the Night's Watch expand dramatically under Jon's leadership. The Wildlings will now have to fight alongside the Night's Watch if they have to survive the coming onslaught from beyond the wall.

The "Game of Thrones" Season 4 once again brings unexpected twists and important characters die. Fans wait with bated breath, hoping that their favourite characters do not die! Click here to read the production updates of the show.