After three epic seasons, HBO's "Game of Thrones" is back for Season 4 and after the jaw-dropping trailer many fans are craving for more information about the upcoming season. Actor Finn Jones who plays Margaery Tyrell's gay brother Loras Tylell recently revealed some spoilers on what to expect for Season 4.

The 25-year-old actor reportedly says that viewers are in for a treat when Season 4 opens in April. "It's been a fantastic season," says Jones in an interview with Access Hollywood. "Everyone's worked really hard and the show is just going from strength to strength, to strength to strength."

"It feels like it's really finding it's ground now and it's about to explode so I'm really excited," adds the actor. But Finn's character Ser Loras Tyrell is not going to have a lot of bedroom action for this season unlike the previous ones when Renly Baratheon was still alive.

"There's not enough hot gay sex for Loras this season. I'm afraid there's just not enough," quipped Jones to Access Hollywood.

But even without the action in the bedroom, the Knight of Flowers will enjoy a "slight flirtation" with someone. The person's identity is still unknown at this time, but it's time for Loras to move on from the late Renly Baratheon.

"I have like a slight flirtation with one of the new characters, but I can't say anything else," adds Finn. Last Season 2, Loras had a little dalliance with squire Olyvar but after that there was no one else to warm his bed.

The English actor was casted in the hit TV show "Game of Thrones" on June 19, 2010, but also appeared in a teenage soap opera "Hollyoaks" in UK that gave him an opportunity to warm up for bigger roles.

When asked about his character that made him an international actor, Finn revealed: "The thing that kind of amazes me about Loras is, and especially George's writing, is the fact that in the books he isn't one of the POV characters."

"He isn't one of the main characters, but yet there's so, so much going on with that character. He goes through so much. He's such a well-rounded and formed character and still (to) be such a....not that much of a big player in the books is, I think, is amazing," says Finn in a podcast interview posted in

"Game of Thrones" Season 4 is scheduled to premiere on April 6 at 9 P.M. ET/PT on HBO.