Fans who look forward to the first episode of the "Game of Thrones" Season 4 may be in for a few shocks early on. The upcoming season will have a few high profile deaths, including the poisoning of King Joffrey.

Perhaps one of the most hated characters on screen, King Joffrey may not be missed so much by the fans. Many who have sympathy with Sansa Stark may also welcome his death. But his death will have big repercussions on the other characters.

"Game of Thrones" is not new to brutal deaths and shocking twists. This is what makes the fans sit on the edge of their seats, hoping that their favourite character does not die. King Joffrey's death may not be as brutal as pouring of molten gold on the head but it will still be shocking to those who do not know what's coming.

King Joffrey will be poisoned on the day of his wedding. Fans are calling it the "Purple wedding." Perhaps some fans are still coming to terms with the shock they experienced when Robb Stark and his mother were killed at his wedding.

But who would want to kill King Joffrey? The boy king has many enemies, those he has alienated with his temperament and those who are hiding in plain sight. There are many families in the realm vying for the Iron Throne and would do anything to get it in the "Game of Thrones."

But the person to be blamed for the death is Tyrion Lannister, his sister's blind hatred and his father's disgust will put the popular character in a very difficult situation. King Joffrey is rude to Tyrion and constantly insults him on the day of the wedding; this is given as the reason for Tyrion to murder is nephew!

But fans of Tyrion Lannister should take comfort in knowing that perhaps this will be good for the story as two very popular characters may eventually unite, forming a formidable team to fight together in the "Game of Thrones."

Following the allegations Tyrion Lannister will be forced to leave King's Landing and travel across the Narrow Sea. His plans will be to eventually join forces with Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons. This however may not happen in "Game of thrones" Season 4.

"Game of Thrones" Season 4 may focus on the journey of Tyrion Lannister and the adventures he has and the people he meets when he is on his way to meet Daenerys Targaryen. She will even save his life once, not knowing his true identity.

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