Fans did not get to see Tyrion Lannister in the recently aired episode of "Game of Thrones" Season 4. The most anticipated event right now seems to be his trial and he may have very few options left.

The producers of "Game of Thrones" Season 4 may have good reason to delay Tyrion's trial. According to the book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, on which the show is based, there is more humiliation in store for the character. After the events of, what fans call, The Purple Wedding, fans may find it difficult to digest more humiliation heaped at their favorite character.

So far the producers have been pacing themselves with the storyline, dropping hints. Readers will remember that Cersei Lannister has been approaching people to turn them against her brother and Tywin was seen enquiring about Tyrion's mistress. Fans were expecting Tywin to lecture his son again but Tyrion has sent her off to another city, or so he thinks.

The trial is expected to be heavily loaded against Tyrion in "Game of Thrones" Season 4, given the present scenario where he is not allowed to meet anyone to prepare a proper defense. There are very few allies in Kings Landing for the popular character.

This is not the first time Tyrion is facing the possibility of execution. In the very first season of "Game of Thrones" he was falsely accused of attempt to murder but narrowly escaped death after his champion won in a trial by combat.

In an unfair trial where even his own father may not help him, he may have little choice but to invoke the option of trial by combat. The only other option is to flee Kings Landing. According to the books he will choose the trial by combat, to begin with.

But who will be Tyrion's champion? Cersei has already declared The Mountain - Gregor Clegane will be her champion. Bronn has refused to fight him and very few people can stand up to the challenge. But Tyrion will get an unlikely champion to stand in his place.

There is one man who is obsessed with revenge in "Game of Thrones" Season 4. Prince Oberyn Martell wants to kill Gregor Clegane for raping and killing his sister. Will Oberyn finally get his wish, or will he die in the process? Either way the Lannisters stand to lose.

According to the books, Shae will stand as a witness against Tyrion at the trial. She will spew venom against Tyrion to further humiliate the character. The coming scenes may be difficult for Tyrion's fans to watch, but there may be another shock coming in "Game of Thrones" Season 4 and it may console angry fans who can't stand anyone humiliating Tyrion.

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