Scheduled to be aired on April 6, the highly anticipated "Game of Thrones" Season 4 released its last and final trailer for fans to know what to expect on the upcoming season. The fourth installment of HBO's epic fantasy series is based on the second half of "A Storm of Swords," the third of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels of George R.R. Martin.

The new trailer features the struggles of Daenerys Tagaryen, the Mother of Dragons, as she drives her new conquest to fight for claim to the Iron Throne. The video opens with the haunting sound of London Grammar's "The Devil Inside," with Cersie saying: "Your joy will turn to ashes in you mouth and you will know the debt is paid."

Emmy-award winner Peter Dinklage who plays Tyrion Lannister was also featured as he contemplates about his evil sister next plot. "Sooner or later, Cersei always gets what she wants," says Tyrion who seemed staying in a dungeon.

Played by Emilia Clark, Dany is still determined to continue her journey to King's Landing as she asserts her power and says: "They can live in my new world, or they can die in their old one." With her growing dragons and an army of Unsullied, Dany is a force to be reckoned with in "Game of Thrones" Season 4.

The future of the remaining Starks is still blurry as Brianne of Tarth played by Gwendoline Christie vowed to find Sanza Stark. After the bloody ending of Season 3, GOT fans will be treated by yet another wedding but this time it's not going to be as bloody as the last one.

David Benioff, GOT's showrunner recently revealed that the show will run for seven season after the network conducted a talk with author George R.R. Martin. The famous author also announced that there is a possibility of multiple movie set in the "Game of Thrones" universe.

"It all depends on how long the main series runs," says Martin in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter posted in The Guardian. "Do we run for seven years? Do we run for eight? Do we run for 10? The books get bigger and bigger (in scope). It might need a feature to tie things up, something with a feature budget, like $100 million for two hours. Those dragons get real big, you know."

Watch the trailer here.