Actress Lena Headey, from the HBO drama series "Game of Thrones,"
Actress Lena Headey, from the HBO drama series "Game of Thrones," arrives at the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, California August 25, 2014. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson Reuters

The highly successful HBO original series "Game of Thrones" may not have enjoyed much success in the recently concluded Primetime Emmy Awards but fans are still eagerly anticipating the fifth season. After all, it still is one of the most viewed and most downloaded TV shows in history. While filming for season 5 is in full swing, many spoilers and new information is coming to light including the return of "Sherlock" actor Mark Gatiss as Tycho Nestoris.

Gatiss first appeared in "Game of Thrones" in the episode "The Laws of Gods and Men" as the formidable and stern Braavosi banker Tycho Nestoris. Stannis Baratheon, the late King Robert's brother, had approached the Iron Bank for financial help in his campaign to gain the Iron Throne which he believes is rightfully his. Nestoris argues that the throne in question is in fact already occupied by Robert's son. Stannis argues that they all know that Robert's so-called-sons are actually products of Cersei and Jamie Lannister's incest making them ineligible for the throne. Nestoris states that he is a businessman and would invest his money where the power lies. Stannis, being a pretender to the throne who had been defeated at the Blackwater was not a sensible bet. An emphatic speech and some strong words from Stannis' right-hand man Davos Seaworth eventually sways the banker.

In the end, Stannis decides to use his new resources not to try to take King's Landing again but he came to rescue the Night's Watch from certain defeat in the hands of the wildlings in the battle at The Wall. Entertainment Weekly reports that the influential banker will return next season and the character will surely affect the direction that the gold flows in Westeros and in turn will also influence the identity of the occupant of the Iron Throne.

Gatiss , apart from reprising his "Game Of Thrones" role, is also the co-creator of "Sherlock" in which he also writes, produces and acts. The multi-talented actor also writes for the "Doctor Who" series. Season 5 of "Game of Thrones" is expected to air next spring.