Cast member Liam Cunningham arrives for the premiere of the fourth season of HBO series "Game of Thrones"
Cast member Liam Cunningham arrives for the premiere of the fourth season of HBO series "Game of Thrones" in New York March 18, 2014. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Davos Seaworth will be given a very important task in "Game of Thrones" Season 5. The role is played by Liam Cunningham in the TV show. The success or failure of his task can have a major impact on whether Stannis Baratheon will be able to command the loyalty of the people in the north. [Warning: Spoiler Alert]

Readers, who have watched the previous season of "Game of Thrones," will remember that Davos Seaworth met with the pirate Salladhor Saan, played by Lucian Msamati, at a bath house. Davos wanted to recruit the services of Salladhor with the money loaned to Stannis by the Iron Bank.

According to the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire," written by George R. R. Martin, on which the TV show is based, Davos will be travelling to White Harbour to enlist the support of Lord Wyman Manderly for Stannis Baratheon. But getting the lords of Westeros to support Stannis may be difficult for Davos because Cersei Lannister will place a ransom on his head.

More trouble for Davos will be from a strong storm in the ocean that will lead to huge losses in his fleet. His troubles will grow further when Salladhor will abandon their mission and decide to leave for Essos. Davos will however choose to remain loyal to Stannis. He will finally manage to reach Lord Manderly.

"Game of Thrones" Season 5 may feature a few members of the House Frey, who according to the books will reach Lord Manderly first. Lord Manderly will have no choice but to send Davos to be executed to appease the Freys. But the execution will turn out to be a deception and Davos will manage to escape death once again.

Lord Manderly will later meet Davos in secret and promise to support Stannis on one condition. Lord Manderly will task Davos to find Rickon Stark. Readers will find that the young boy is alive and living on the island of Skagos. But a smuggler may be needed to safely transport the boy to Westeros.

With Bran Stark perceived to be dead, Rickon has a strong claim to be Lord of Winterfell. Lord Manderly will present Theon Greyjoy's squire to Davos in "Game of Thrones" Season 5. The mute squire was present at the sacking of Winterfell and knows the fate of the Stark children. This new information will send Davos on his new mission.

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