'Game of Thrones' Season 6 spoilers: Deaths to expect in finale episode

Some shocking deaths are expected to be featured in the finale episode of “Game of Thrones” Season 6. The episode will also feature the Young Ned Stark in a flashback scene, through one of Bran’s visions.
[Spoiler alert]
Perhaps the biggest event in Westeros now is the trial of Cersei (Lena Headey) and Loras Tyrell (Finn Jones). In a previous interview, Jonathan Pryce (High Sparrow) had said that his character has become “over confident” and that he is in for an “unpleasant surprise.”
He teased that in the trial scene, everyone waits for Cersei to arrive, but she doesn’t. The High Sparrow feels that she will have to come and that she has no other choice. However, plots will be hatched all around him without his knowledge. Is this the episode in which Pryce’s character finally dies?
The High Sparrow may not be the only death in the episode. A previously leaked report revealed that even King Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman) will die in the “Game of Thrones” Season 6. The report was accurate in describing the death of Rickon Stark (Art Parkinson).
There will be another big flashback scene through one of Bran’s (Isaac Hempstead Wright) visions in the next episode. Robert Aramayo (Young Ned Stark) confirmed in an interview that his character will have a “significant showing” in the finale episode.
The last time viewers saw Young Ned Stark, he was just about to enter the Tower of Joy and rescue his sister. Many fans expect this scene to reveal the true parentage of Jon Snow, as the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna.
According to the books written by George R.R. Martin, on which the TV series is based, Lyanna died in the Tower of Joy. Before her death she made Ned promise her something. If the finale episode of “Game of Thrones” Season 6 takes viewers back to Tower of Joy, it will finally reveal what he promised all those years ago.
Credit: YouTube/ GameofThrones