'Game of Thrones' season 6 spoilers: With Jon Snow alive, Lady Stoneheart's return could happen (REVIEW)
Original air date on HBO: Sundays at 9 p.m.

There are rumors that Lady Stoneheart may also be resurrected soon in “Game of Thrones” Season 6. Considering how favorite characters like Jon Snow (Kit Harington) can be brought back to life, fans have also been asking to bring back the Stark matriarch.
In the HBO series, Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley) was murdered at the infamous Red Wedding. In the novel series, “A Song of Ice and Fire,” by George R.R. Martin, Catelyn was brought back to life after the Red Wedding as a corpse. Her resurrected form was called Lady Stoneheart, who was much different from her old self and generally exists to exact revenge on the enemies of her family.
Entertainment Weekly notes that, previously, showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff stated that they were not interested in featuring that part of the story, which may mean that TV viewers may have seen the last of Catelyn.
However, with the recent revival of Jon Snow, and the way that the TV show is already ahead of the books, there is a chance that the character may actually return. Promotional posters have shown the image of Catelyn and other dead and living characters. Also, Brynden “Blackfish” Tully (Clive Russell) is set to return in Season 6 to battle the Lannisters at Riverrun. It is possible that the producers may change their stance and significantly develop the plot by introducing Lady Stoneheart.
In other “Game of Thrones” news, Sky Germany recently revealed the last three episodes of Season 6. Episode 8 is titled “No One,” Episode 9 is titled “Battle of Bastards,” and Episode 10 is titled “The Winds of Winter.”
ScreenRant writes that Episode 8 may refer to Arya. She may finally be approved to join the Faceless Men. Episode 9 will most likely feature a battle between Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton. The Season finale will probably showcase the White Walkers attacking Castle Black.
“Game of Thrones” Season 6 Episode 6, titled “Blood of My Blood,” will air on May 29 on HBO. It also airs on Foxtel in Australia. More updates and details on the potential return of Lady Stoneheart are expected soon.