'Game of Thrones'
Cast member Emilia Clarke attends the premiere for the sixth season of HBO's "Game of Thrones" in Los Angeles April 10, 2016. Reuters/Phil McCarten

After Season 6 Episode 6 of “Game of Thrones,” some fans are predicting that Daenerys Targaryen might become the real villain in the story.

There were a number of possible hints in the past episodes that may reveal more about Daenerys’ true plans.

The New York Times wrote that, first, Drogon left Daenerys in the middle of a field where she was picked up by the Dothraki forces. Now that she is in command of their entire army, Drogon suddenly returns, as if he was aware of everything in the interim. Second, Daenerys did not seem to be bothered about Daario’s statement that she was primarily a conqueror, and not a mere queen.

It is already as if Daenerys was becoming more like her father, the Mad King Aerys II, as she gathers her army to take over the seven kingdoms. She rode atop Drogon as she gave a powerful speech to the Dothraki, urging them to aid her in taking over Westeros. During her speech, however, Daenerys seemed more selfish. She did not promise rewards to her soldiers, but only that she would worker them harder than any khalasar ever has.

Vanity Fair stated that Bran also saw a vision of the Mad King. In the books, Daenerys always feared that she will become just like her father one day. However, the vision was very familiar, hinting that she might turn out to be the Mad Queen soon. Daenerys has changed much from the first time that she met Khal Drogo. She has become more bloodthirsty and is already prepared to take what she believes, rightfully belongs to her. She continued that she will do it with fire and blood. She asked for 1,000 ships, which may bring her to the Greyjoys soon, who are working on the same project.

Readers of the novels have long theorized about Mad Queen Daenerys. Considering the twists and turns that “Game of Thrones” is known for, as well as the fact that the TV show is already ahead of the books, Daenerys Targaryen may actually turn out to be the big baddie in the final two seasons.

More updates and details on “Game of Thrones” are expected soon.