'Game of Thrones' season 7 episode 3 preview: Fire and ice meet

The long-awaited meeting between Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and Jon Snow (Kit Harington) will finally happen in “Game of Thrones” season 7 episode 3. A preview video of next episode teases the meeting of these two characters. The following article contains spoilers based on the trailer.
Westeros has plunged into the chaos of war once again, but the kingdoms south of Moat Cailin are still unaware of the bigger danger on the march beyond The Wall. Jon Snow will attempt to rectify the situation next episode by meeting with Daenerys.
The Mother of Dragons is looking for the lords of Westeros who will bend the knee, while the King in the North is looking for Dragonglass and allies who can fight the only war that matters in the long run. The conflict of interests sets the stage for an interesting interaction between the two giants in the next episode.
Daenerys is focused on conquering the seven kingdoms of Westeros. After tasting defeat at sea, in which the Greyjoy fleet was decimated by Euron (Pilou Asbæk), the Mother of Dragons will launch her attack. Cersei (Lena Headey) is confident after drawing first blood in the war. Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) warns his Targaryen queen about the next encounter, pointing out that his sister will be well-prepared for an attack.
Tyrion had proposed to attack and take Casterly Rock, a major power center in Westeros at the moment. The trailer shows the Unsullied army attacking the Lannister stronghold.
Back at King’s Landing, Euron will ride into the city like a conquering hero. The king of the Ironborn had promised to win Cersei’s heart with a “gift,” which he may now deliver. The fate of the surviving members from Dorne will also be decided by the Queen in this episode.
Credit: GameofThrones/ YouTube