'Game of Thrones' season 8: Arya, Hound meeting, Euron plot twist

What will Arya’s (Maisie Williams) reunion with the Hound (Rory McCann) be like in “Game of Thrones” season 8? Will Euron (Pilou Asbæk) keep his word with Cersei (Lena Headey)? Cast members of the show teased details about what to expect on the show next. The following article contains spoilers.
In an interview posted on Making Game of Thrones, Williams confirmed that Arya has moved on from the last encounter between her character and the Hound. She said that Arya’s initial feelings towards Sandor were “immature” and she has “grown up” since then, especially after her time in Braavos. The actress said that if her character were to meet with the Hound again, she would probably be fighting alongside rather than against him.
Meanwhile, Asbæk teased a possible plot twist coming next season. The actor said that seeing the Wight was scary for his character, and when Euron said he’s going back to his island to wait for summer, he meant it.
Cersei hopes Euron will use his ships to escort the Golden Company mercenaries to Westeros to help conquer the lands now under Dany’s (Emilia Clarke) control. But is there a plot twist coming? The practical action for the King of the Iron Islands is to do what he said at the meeting, to not return till summer.
Season 7 was an interesting journey for Theon (Alfie Allen). The character is finally beginning to emerge as a leader. Allen said his character plans to rescue his sister and use it as a way to “rectify his position in the world.”
The other interesting aspect of “Game of Thrones” season 8 will be the partnership between Sam (John Bradley) and Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright). The knowledge and abilities of the Three-eyed Raven will be crucial in the fight against the Night’s King.