'Game of Thrones' season 8: Characters still alive on Arya's kill list

There are a few people on Arya’s (Maisie Williams) list who are still alive. Will the number increase in “Game of Thrones” season 8? Here’s a look at who should count their days, and why they ended up on the list in the first place. The following article contains spoilers from episodes that have already aired.
There are still six people on Arya’s list who have not yet been killed by the young Stark. First is Cersei (Lena Headey), a character who has slowly risen to the top among the villains. The queen has been on the list since the death of Ned Stark (Sean Bean). The only other character who is associated with Ned’s death and still alive is Ilyn Payne (Wilko Johnson), the executioner.
Next is The Mountain (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson). Technically, the character is kind of dead. But will this be enough? Arya put him on the list after witnessing the torture at Harrenhal.
Two characters currently in the north and are on Arya’s list are the Hound (Rory McCann) and Beric Dondarrion (Richard Dormer). On a previous occasion, Arya didn’t kill Sandor when she had the chance, only leaving him to die. Will she now remove these two names from her list for their contribution in the war against the Night King?
One name that fans may have forgotten is that of Melisandre (Carice van Houten). Arya put Beric’s name on the list for selling Gendry (Joe Dempsie) then added the Red Witch’s name for taking Gendry away.
“Game of Thrones” season 8 will be the last chance for Arya to strike off more names from her list. Some of these characters, however, may not die at the hands of the Stark girl, just as others have died before at the hands of others.