'Game of Thrones' season 8: Return to the Dragonpit

The Dragonpit in King’s Landing will be back in “Game of Thrones” season 8. This is the location where the big meeting between Cersei (Lena Headey) and Daenerys (Emilia Calrke) took place in season 7.
The production crew is already there at the Roman ruins of Itálica in Seville, Spain. According to a report by WatchersontheWall, parts of the amphitheatre is currently off limits to visitors, and the whole area may be cordoned off when the actual filming begins.
The centre of the amphitheatre has a pit that once hosted the animals for the games that were conducted there. This pit is being converted this time around too because such a pit would be of no use in a place where dragons were kept.
Will the story show that the stage constructed for the Cersei Daenerys meeting has been left untouched from the last time? Or is a new stage being constructed to host another big meeting?
Readers should note that there may be more political back-stabbing and new alliances during the big war against the Night’s King. So, more meetings to parley may happen in the last season of the show.
According to another report by WatchersontheWall, filming at this location is scheduled to begin from the 23rd of this month, and the cast and crew will be here till May 19. That’s about a total of four weeks of filming the Dragonpit scenes, which is three weeks extra from the last time the team was here.
Will there just be another meeting at the Dragonpit? Or will the location actually see some action this time around? More details about what they are filming may be revealed when the actual work begins at this location.
There haven’t been any casting announcements for extras at this location. So, only the main cast members will be involved. The presence of some of the cast members here in the coming weeks may give some clues about the plot.