'Game of Thrones' star Hafthor Bjornsson (Gregor Clegane) reveals his diet and workout plan

After watching “Game of Thrones” many of the fans wondered what it would take to build muscles like Hafthor Bjornsson, who plays the role of Gregor Clegane on the show. The actor has now revealed his diet and daily schedule for the benefit of the fans.
There is a reason why Gregor Clegane is nicknamed “The Mountain” in the TV series. The character is a tall, strong man with such freakish strength that grown men fear him. With the recent transformation of the character on the show, he has become even more frightening.
The 6 feet 9 inches tall Bjornsson fits the role well. However, in order to look like The Mountain, the actor has to eat and eat a lot. In a Facebook post, the actor acknowledged that he gets a lot of requests to reveal his diet and so he decided to share it with the world.
The actor begins his day at 6:50 a.m. with some Bcca, glutamine and a handful of almonds. In order to stay in shape, the “Game of Thrones” actor does cardio and core training for 30 minutes. His first big meal for the day consists of 8 eggs, 200gm oats, blueberries, strawberries and avocado.
Bjornsson eats almost every two hours. His next meal is at 9: 30 a.m. and it consists of 400gm beef, 400gm sweet potatoes and a handful of spinach and greens. At 11: 50 a.m. he again takes some Bcca and glutamine. At 12 p.m. he has 400gm chicken, 400gm potatoes, greens and some fruits.
At 2 p.m. he has 150gm oats or sweets, potatoes, two bananas, 150gm kelloggs rice krispies, frozen berries, a handful of almonds, peanut butter and glutamine. Half an hour later he trains for the World’s Strongest Man competition and has Bcca, glutamine and Vitargo.
5: 30 p.m. he has 60gm of protein (source not specified) and two bananas. Half hour later he has 500gm beef, potatoes and greens. At 8:30 p.m. 500gm salmon and 500gm sweet potatoes.
The last meal of the day for Bjornsson is at 10:30 p.m. and it consists of 50gm casein protein or 6 eggs, avocado, 30gm almonds and 50gm peanut butter. He also wakes up in the middle of the night to take 50gm casein protein or raw eggs. He suggests drinking a lot of water throughout the day and points out that fruit juices give more calories.
Bjornsson has not been seen so far in “Game of Thrones” Season 6. Gregor Clegane will be featured in the next episode of the show, the trailer reveals.