Jack Gleeson
Cast member Jack Gleeson arrives for the premiere of the fourth season of HBO series "Game of Thrones" in New York March 18, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson Reuters

“Game of Thrones” star Jack Gleeson looks a little too happy that King Joffrey is dead. A photo of the 21-year-old actor mocking his character’s death appears online, and he seems to be thrilled that retirement is now within his reach.

Joffrey met his death during the recent episode, which fans call the Purple Wedding. As expected, the fans were glad to see the HBO series’ most despicable villain fall, even if Joffrey didn’t perish at the hands of one of his enemies.

And just like the fans, Gleeson is also glad that Joffrey is dead.

A photo posted by account user mannyhally on Instagram shows Gleeson mocking his character’s death, which is being shown on the big screen behind him.

Click here to see the picture.

He might look playful in the picture, but shooting his death scene wasn’t exactly a piece of cake for him.

“It was tough,” the Irish actor told EW.

“I suppose it’s one of those things that you have no prior experience in. I’ve never seen anyone die. It’s hard to imagine what it would be like. But Alex [Graves, director] was very kindly walked me through it. It was fun in the end, but kind of stressful to be so focused, but acting like you’re completely unfocused. Difficult, but exciting.”

Joffrey is Gleeson’s last acting part, though. He has been open about wanting to retire after his gig on the “Game of Thrones,” and now that his story arc has ended, he can finally fulfil his early retirement dream.

“I’ve been acting since age 8. I just stopped enjoying it as much as I used to. And now there’s the prospect of doing it for a living, whereas up until now it was always something I did for recreation with my friends, or in the summer for fun. I enjoyed it. When you make a living from something, it changes your relationship with it. It’s not like I Hate it, it’s just not what I want to do,” he explained.

Gleeson will still be seen in the next episode, though, but he will be “sleeping.”

“And [in next week’s episode] we did the funeral scene where I was on a cliff with stones in my eyes and I just got to sleep all day, and [spoiler happened]. So that was fun.”