George R.R. Martin, author of the "Song of Ice and Fire" fantasy series that is the basis of the television series "Game of Thrones", gestures during his masterclass at the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF) in Neu
George R.R. Martin, author of the "Song of Ice and Fire" fantasy series that is the basis of the television series "Game of Thrones", gestures during his masterclass at the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF) in Neuchatel July 10, 2014. REUTERS

"Game Of Thrones" creator George RR Martin has revealed that he takes inspiration from Alfred Hitchcock's film "Psycho" in the way he writes his novels. Martin wrote the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" from which the hit HBO Original series is based.

Audiences and readers have become hooked to the nonchalant way that Martin kills off his story's main characters whether they are loathsome villains or well-loved protagonists. The first season of the TV series saw Lord Eddard Stark lose his head in the penultimate episode of the first season not even giving him the honour of going out emphatically in the season finale. Lord Stark was a central character in the first season and is in fact still very much a presence in the story four seasons into the series.

In Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" the main protagonist played by Janet Leigh was killed off in the infamous bloody shower stabbing long before the end of the film. Martin revealed that he wanted to establish a connection with what was done in "Psycho" and with what he is currently doing in his novels and in the "Game of Thrones" series. The renowned author talked about the Hitchcock connection during an interview with the Independent at the Neuchâtel International Film Festival. Part of Martin's itinerary at the festival involved introducing the screening of the film "Psycho" to festival goers.

"I am hardly the first person to kill a character unexpectedly and thereby get a big reaction from the audience." said Martin. The series definitely got a big reaction from Ned Stark's death and many more sudden deaths thereafter. Season 3's Red Wedding in which Ned's son Robb and his pregnant wife were violently ambushed during an uncle's wedding has drawn huge reactions from audiences worldwide. Ned's wife Catelyn Stark died in the same sequence by having her throat slit after watching her son die.

In season 4, a new well-loved character, the charismatic Oberyn Martell engaged in a duel which saw him close to winning against the man who murdered his sister and her children. His lengthy monologue and carelessness in the end robbed him of sure victory and he ended up with his head smashed into a pulp. Joffrey Baratheon also died earlier in the fourth season to the delight of fans who have long been fed up with the vile character.

Now that the books and the TV series have gained worldwide popularity, many fans have come up with their own speculations and theories as to who will die next. Martin maintains that he does not change his story line because of what fans say or even if fans have guessed what will happen next. Martin is currently in the middle of writing the sixth installment of the book series while filming for season 5 of the TV show has just begun. He declared that there is no democracy and he will keep villains alive and kill off well-loved characters if the plot calls for it and not because the fans have asked for it. The same goes for other aspects of the story including Jon Snow's real parentage and other conspiracy theories.