Shocking revelations and a new cast member - it is all happening in "General Hospital." Dr. Leisl Obrecht is known for her villainous ways and if things go according to Lulu and Dante, then she will be freed from the prison soon, reports Celebrity Laundry. Also, Nina Clay may have never died in the first place.

Dante and Lulu try to Work on Dr. Obrecht's Release from the Prison

Currently, Dr. Obrecht is placed in the Port Charles Police Department's cell. She is arrested for abducting Baby Ben/Rocco, accidently shooting the nurse when she tried to run away and holding Liz as hostage. However, Obrecht has a plan to get away from all of this. She informs Dante that after she was held she had the other embryo belonging to him and Lulu. Perhaps, it is the only way they can have another kid.

According to the Web site, Dante and Lulu try to negotiate with Obrecht and find a way to get her out of the prison. However, it is not going to be easy for them. They need to talk it out with Nikolas and Liz to drop the charges against Obrecht. After they have Liz and Nikolas on their side, they need to plead their case to District Attorney Scott Baldwin of Port Charles.

However, it has to be seen if all this is not a part of Obrecht's sinister plan. It is possible that she might even have the embryo in the first place.

"General Hospital" Casting Call - Soap Looking for a Caucasian in her mid-40s

Celebrity Laundry notes that "General Hospital" put out a casting call for a Caucasian woman who is "strong and fiery underneath her frail presence." Suppose, Nina Clay is alive, she could be that Caucasian woman.

Meanwhile, Silas found out via Madeline that his wife Nina is dead. Madeline used Nina's death news as a way to get him to sign the will and take the money she had left in her will.

It is likely that Nina never died and Madeline is just plain greedy.

On May 1, when Madeline goes to New York in order to face the murder charges of Dr. Nakumara and Nina, she tells Nathan a secret and it affects Sam and Silas.

If Nathan comes to know that his sister Nina is alive, then it would make an impact on Sam and Silas.

Watch "General Hospital" Monday to Friday on ABC.