A woman's shapely legs will always look good in any outfit, whether it's skinny jeans, shorts or a cocktail dress. Women with skinny legs don't look as attractive in these outfits as the women with meaty and sexy legs do. Women's fashion is all about accentuating shapely features like legs, arms and figure. If you have always been known as the chick with chicken legs, it's time to do something to get meaty and sexy legs. Sculpted and sexy legs will never go out of style. Look at supermodel Miranda Kerr now.


Exercise will stimulate the muscles of your skinny legs and prepare them for building leg muscles. This doesn't mean bodybuilder-muscle but toned muscles to give your legs better form and shape. You can start your routine with lunges. A lunge is a perfect all-around exercise for your lower body. Everything from your butt, hamstrings and legs will benefit from a regular routine of lunges. You can do lunges anytime and anywhere you want. You don't have to be in the gym to exercise. Lunges can be done in your hotel room if you are on a business trip, your backyard or living room if you prefer.

Start by placing your feet together. Make sure your toes are pointing straight ahead. Straighten your back and keep your arms at your sides. With your right leg, step forward then bend your knee. Your right thigh should be parallel to the floor in this position. Go back to your starting position by stepping back then start to lunge again. Continue to repeat this exercise using your right leg for at least 8 more times before working on your left leg. Your upper body must be kept straight throughout each lunge.


Performing squats will help you define the shape of your thighs. This will turn your skinny, chicken legs to meatier and sexier legs. Just like the lunge, you can also squat at your own convenience. Start by standing and keeping your legs apart at a comfortable distance. Cross your arms over your chest and straighten your back.

Slowly bend your knees and squat. This would look like sitting on the air. Your thighs should remain parallel to the floor. Lift your body up with your heels then return to the standing position. If you are beginner in this kind of exercise, just take it slow and repeat the lunge a few times. You can rest in between sets to let your body adjust to the movements. Focus on your thighs since the goal is stimulating muscle build-up for toner legs.

As you do your squats, make sure your back maintains its natural spine alignment. You may risk injury if you are not careful. Maintaining natural spine alignment enables your back to tolerate resistance as you exercise. Do not look down when you squat. This will curve your spine and weaken your balance. Always look straight ahead and focus on your breathing as you squat. You can try working on leaner arms while you're at it by adding dumbbells when you squat.

When you work out, keep a picture of Miranda Kerr posted on your wall or mirror to remind you of your goal. This will surely inspire you to get sexy legs like Miranda Kerr.