Imogen Thomas, the Miss Wales and Big Brother contestant, allegedly being coined as Giggs' mistress, says she has tried to "call off" the relationship before but Giggs went on pursuing her, resulting in an illicit controversial affair that went public last week. Giggs is the topic of many tabloids and news bits with the revelation of his super injunction that prohibited the media exposure of his extramarital affairs.

28-year-old beauty queen Thomas is having privacy and safety issues as Twitter users continue to harass her for being the Manchester United midfielder's mistress. She has admitted in an interview with The Sun that after a couple of secret rendezvous in Gigg's hotel room during away games, she has told the footballer to cut their relationship short because "he was married". According to Thomas, Giggs kept on calling and sending her text messages on a regular basis.

"I called it off a million times but he kept coming back. He knew it was wrong as well, he said as much, but he was pursuing me", says Thomas in the interview. Both Ryan Giggs and Imogen Thomas share the spotlight for the most talked-about rumor in football and celebrity news after MP John Hemming revealed Gigg's name - a disclosure that sprawled 75,000 Twitter attacks against the athlete and Thomas.

Max Clifford, Thomas' publicist, released a statement claiming if Giggs didn't pursue the gagging order through the courts, the issue would have remained private and unexposed. There have been over 80 gag orders granted in UK this year whose owners include public figures, business leaders, footballers, and celebrities, only proving that there are quite a handful of famous people who are willing to go beyond just to protect their affairs and private lives. Thomas recently Tweeted "What's more I can't even defend myself because I have been gagged. If this is the way privacy injunctions are supposed to work there is something seriously wrong with the law". She also teamed up with The Sun against the super injunction, but their appeal for a lift has been denied by court.