Glee Season 4 explores the concept of change once again, this time with the entry of Sarah Jessica Parker in its New York story arc. Kurt meets the actress who plays Vogue editor-mentor Isabelle Kempt, who will also be instrumental to Rachel's makeover.

Spoiler alert: If you have not watched "Makeover," read at your own risk.

Here are the highlights of the third episode of Glee Season 4:

- Kurt (Chris Colfer) meets a mentor in Isabelle Kempt (Sarah Jessica Parker), who is impressed by his creativity in fashion and style

- Isabelle proves to be the opposite of Rachel's dance teacher Cassandra July (Kate Hudson) and bonds instantly with Kurt

- Brittany (Heather Morris) gets a makeover from Artie (Kevin McHale). He wants her to do well in an upcoming debate.

- Blaine (Darren Criss) gives Sam (Chord Overstreet) a makeover for his political pursuits at school.

- Kurt convinces Rachel (Lea Michele) to let go of her baby doll dresses and subject herself to a total makeover.

- Rachel almost burns their apartment down. This is all because she wants to do something sweet for Brody.

- Brody (Dean Geyer) and Rachel kiss, a moment that coincides with Finn's (Cory Monteith) decision to finally show up.

A Carrie Bradshaw moment in Glee

It seems Sarah Jessica Parker will never part from the shadows of Carrie Bradshaw. Here's a line that seems to echo from HBO's now defunct (but fondly remembered) series "Sex and the City:"

"This is New York, it's for should dream. You should dream very, very big and then you should do everything in your power to make it happen."

Twitter users promptly shouted out feedbacks after the third episode:

@FunGleeMoments: There will be sad moments in glee, yes, but ALL OF US GLEEKS are going through this together. #Courage

@beautimouslouis: Chord Overstreet had been my bby since the first episode of Glee he was on I love him so much omg