Sean Miles of Designworks came up with an interesting Glove Phone which allows users to talk through the pinkie and listen through the thumb. Mr. Miles invented the Glove Phone upon O2 Recycling's request to experiment for wearable technology, incorporating the possibility of recycling old mobile phones.

According to a report from BBC, the Glove Phone is customised, blue-tooth enabled and will work as a mobile phone.

The Glove Phone, now becoming more popular as the "talk to the hand" gadget, might just be the most sophisticated discover in as far as wearable technology is concern.

This interesting invention was made through combining a vintage Miu Miu and Pineider gloves with recycled parts from old mobile phones. The user will just have to connect the Glove Phone to any blue-tooth enabled smartphone and he or she can make the call. The Glove Phone was tailored with a speaker embedded in each thumb and a microphone embedded in each pinkie.

This out of the ordinary gadget will be convenient during cold seasons when people need to wear thick gloves. With the Glove Phone, they need not fumble when answering their phones, all they have to do is "talk to their pinkie and listen through the thumb." Whenever a call comes in, the user will just have to mime the act of using their telephones or that famous hand gesture made for "call me."

Mr. Miles, talking about his invention said that, "I hope that my Talk to the Hand Project will get people to think again about the waste created by not recycling gadgets. While these might not be for everyone, there are hundreds of other uses that old phones can be put to - from being reconditioned and used again to being mined for their components. If a few more people recycle their gadgets rather than send them to landfill, I think this project will have fulfilled its aim."

Although the Glove Phone is not yet available in the market as of present, environmentalists were already reciprocating the gadget positively. The Glove Phone is the answer to lessen the mobile waste drastically increasing as new gadgets were being introduced to the market and old mobile phones were being thrown away.

Mr. Miles is also the innovator behind the "Walkie Talkies". This gadget was made from both recycled shoes and recycled phone parts. The gadget was also a talk of the town; however, users were instantly turned off with the innovation as they are required to lift their shoes into their ears when taking the call.

Another discovery by Mr. Miles was a handbag that also works as a handbag. This was more practically viewed by users as it free them from the hassle of rummaging through their bags when they have to take a call.

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