Former NBA basketball player Dennis Rodman is surrounded by the media at Beijing International Airport before he leaves for Pyongyang
Former NBA basketball player Dennis Rodman is surrounded by the media at Beijing International Airport before he leaves for Pyongyang Reuters

On Dennis Rodman's nth trip to North Korea, the former NBA player played true to form with his volatile and unpredictable reputation after a near meltdown in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Tuesday.

The YouTube video is making rounds already and opens up a can of worms on the supposedly diplomatic trip to the country ruled by a dictatorial regime by Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s president.

Watch the full video below; go straight to the 5:00 mark for Rodman’s tirade:

Rodman is in North Korea for the third time the last two years, and this time he’s with former NBA players Cliff Robinson, Vin Baker, Kenny Anderson and Charles Smith to join him in an exhibition game against the DPRK all-stars as a "birthday present" to the dictator.

However, the visit doesn’t bode well for many Americans back in the United States.

One of the issues is the imprisonment of American Kenneth Bae, who has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for “hostile acts” against North Korea.

CNN posted a corresponding report regarding the YouTube interview:

“Asked if he would take the opportunity to ask North Korean leaders about Bae, Rodman suggested the Korean-American had done something wrong but did not say what that was.

Growing angry with Cuomo and jabbing his finger toward the camera for emphasis, Rodman said, “Kenneth Bae did one thing. … If you understand what Kenneth Bae did. Do you understand what he did in this country? No, no, no, you tell me, you tell me. Why is he held captive here in this country, why? … I would love to speak on this.

“You know, you’ve got 10 guys here, 10 guys here, they’ve left their families, they’ve left their damn families, to help this country, as in a sports venture. That’s 10 guys, all these guys here, do anyone understand that? Christmas, New Year’s. …

“I don’t give a rat’s ass what the hell you think. I’m saying to you, look at these guys here, look at them … they dared to do one thing, they came here.”

While Rodman’s intentions could be positive, he is clearly not the man for the job of working out diplomacy with North Korea.