Ben Affleck Playing The Role Of Controversial Husband In 'Gone Girl'/ File photo/WikiCommons/GeneBromberg
'Gone Girl' is set to release on October 9th. File photo/WikiCommons/GeneBromberg WikiCommons/GeneBromberg

'Gone Girl' saw a star studded premiere at the New York Film Festival as it kick started the event. This upcoming David Fincher movie is set to be released on October 3. The film, which is one of the most anticipated movie of the year, is based on novel by Gillian Flynn.

The movie is about the life of a couple, which takes an interesting turn when the wife vanishes suddenly on their fifth wedding anniversary. Flynn, the author of the bestselling novel on which the movie is based, also wrote the screenplay for the film.

Oscar winning actor Ben Affleck is playing Nick Dunne, who is the protagonist of the movie. He plays the role of the husband, who loses his job due to the recession and opens a bar with his sister. British actress Rosamund Pike is playing the role of Amy Dunne, who is the mysterious wife of Affleck. The movie narrates the couple's life in a retrospective manner, as well as provides details on the various facets of a married life.

The movie has been receiving mixed responses from critics. 'Don't expect everything of the novel to be adapted in the movie, especially the climax', reported the Huffington Post. Some characters are also toned down in terms of their importance, adds the report.

This is the second movie of Fincher, which was premiered at this festival. The first one was 'The Social Network'. Like his earlier works, such as Fight Club, this movie will also have a dark theme throughout its course.

Actor Tyler Perry is said to have been casted to play the role of a pricey defense lawyer. The movie also has some other great actors, such as Neil Patrick Harris and Kim Dickens playing the role of Amy's former boyfriend and lead detective, respectively.

The movie flips back and forth in different time lines-the effect of which reportedly adds to the film's appeal. The Variety has appreciated the work of director and the actors of the movie.

'Gone Girl' is expected to last for a long time in the memory of its viewers. It is also anticipated to spark many debates about the different shades of the character played by Affleck. The discussions around the movie will be at par with those that happened after the release of 'Wolf Of Wall Street', as claimed by the Huffington Post.

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