Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes are getting back on track. Fans who hoped their favourite childhood celebrities to turn their lives around must have prayed really hard, because the two now have luck (and sobriety) on their side, finally.

There was once a time, before Miley and her twerking obsession began, that Lindsay Lohan and her erratic behaviour had been splashed on every entertainment news outlet out there. One minute she's on rehab, the next, she's slamming on someone's car and being charged for DUI, again. Fans can only shake their head and wonder when their favourite actress will emerge again and take on the movie world as she used to, until they eventually stopped hoping. Fans can now let their dashed hopes and dreams come out now. Lindsay Lohan is now back to her healthy self and working. In fact, fans should be seeing more of her in no time at all.

According to Newsday, OWN's Lindsay is coming and sooner than everyone thinks. March 9, Sunday, 10pm is when the show will air. However, fans who are intrigued and want to know more about have to wait for the show to air. OWN plans on keeping the media away. Probably because of Lohan's stint on the media's bad side, OWN decides not to have preview screeners, no clips and no interviews. The only thing fans now have is access to the first four episodes' storylines. Just by looking at the storylines, one can already detect how drama-filled "Lindsay" will be, including assistants quitting, fights with dad, Oprah interventions. Still, the first episode will actually show Lindsay trying to turn her life around and this is what the fans really want. In another news, Lindsay's luck is really coming for her. According to Daily Mail UK, Lindsay Lohan recently won a court battle where she was charged by hit and run. It's about time that the once A-list actress takes a break from bad press and news.

Amanda Bynes used to be the poster girl for the nice and funny films and series. She was someone who did not let fame get into her head and the one whose interviews often sound right and funny, despite the fact that all people her age were out and having fun, drinking the night away. She was certainly no Lindsay Lohan then. Up until she began discovering how fun Twitter can be, Amanda started posing these erratic messages that people started to question her very own sanity. She got herself charged for DUI too and became a Hollywood goner like Lindsay Lohan. She recently came out of rehab and fans cannot help but pray that the actress can come around, which actually happened.

On March 2, Amanda Bynes returned back on Twitter. The "Easy A" actress came back after a six month absence from the social networking site. She did not post any weird pictures or called anyone ugly though. She posted that she is seriously studying fashion these days and loves her fans. She also deleted some of the incriminating posts she made last year. Right after coming back to Twitter, Daily Mail UK even spotted her out grocery shopping with dad looking relaxed and chic. This seems to be the Amanda Bynes that fans used to know. This seems to be a good start for the celebrity.

If one believes in feng shui and luck, 2014 must really be good year for the two celebrities who have gone bad now that they are turning their lives around.