A Google executive does not believe that working at home or doing "telework" is a best environment for ideas to flourish.

"The surprising question we get is: How many people telecommute at Google? And our answer is: As few as possible, " The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Google Chief Finance Officer Patrick Pichette.

"It's somewhat counterintuitive. People think, 'Well, because you're at Google you can work from anywhere.' Yes you can work from anywhere, but many just commute to offices ... Working from office is really important," he added.

His stand goes against global trends as more companies accept telecommuting, remote work, or telework, an arrangement in which employees can work at home, coffee shops, or other locations aside from the physical office to perform their duties and tasks assigned by their employers.

Mr. Pichette believes that working away from the office makes employees isolated from other staff and spending time together allows individuals to brainstorm more ideas than being alone.

Even so, teleworking is now a trend to many countries worldwide influenced by the effective distribution of information using the Internet and good level of communication through mobile phones, email, and video conferencing. The new trend of work also cut the costs for operation of having large offices and allows recruitment from other countries for lower labor costs.

Australia has encouraged more workers to telecommute because of its positive impact on employees' work-life balance.

However, one downside for the work-at-home employee, according to a Forbes.com article, is that they end up working five to seven more hours per week than if they work at a regular office setting.

Here are three Web sites that posts online jobs in Australia with teleworking or telecommuting status.

1. Flexjobs.com -Job listings include marketing manager, tax accountant, data administrator, and design engineer. Applicants can choose between freelance, part-time, or full-time telework statuses.

2. CareerJet.com.au -The listing includes appointment setters, national call centers hiring telecommute workers, and remote SQL developer.

3. Indeed.com.au - This job search site displays listings for telecommute employments including local travel writers, freelance digital designers and digital content editor.