Google started changing the rules of online advertising when it introduced several changes to Adwords. Businesses aiming to take full advantage of the service should learn which pitfalls to avoid and how to work around the new system.

Starting July 22, Google introduced new and revised rules to their online advertising platform. The company moved all customer accounts to an enhanced system. Previously, these accounts were placed in the legacy pay-per-click section. The company now promotes the setup as a superior multi-device marketing tool.

Nonetheless, if there is one thing companies should understand most importantly is that Google no longer allows them to develop campaigns on different devices. All campaigns can easily show up across different devices like tablets and PCs. While this sounds like acquiring more exposure, the new campaign system can actually be more costly to a business.

Business may end up losing more customers. A campaign that should be profitable can easily turn into an unprofitable one. Companies remain to have control across mobile devices. Given a product does not bring in desired results on mobile, business can choose to get out of the bidding. Anything else has been streamlined costing businesses control over where their ads appear.

Google Adwords can be one of the most challenging platforms to learn. Businesses should monitor their campaigns daily if they want to make sure it becomes effective. According to analysts, the best way to maximize the functions of the advertising platform is to make sure they monitor, analyse and optimize every keyword they use.

Adwords remains strict. The platform gives preferential treatment to campaigns that prove relevant. Companies should make sure whatever they put on their landing page matches the word and theme of what they have been campaigning.