Aside from being mostly in scarce supply, no major complaints have been aired about the LG Nexus 4. Additionally though, the camera shooter of the Google smartphone is much left to be desired, experts said.

That will soon change, according to Google engineering division chief Vic Gundotra. Responding to a query if Google plans to bump up the camera features of future Nexus devices, the executive answered to the affirmative.

"We are committed to making Nexus phones with insanely great cameras. Just you wait and see," Mr Gundotra was reported by Android Central as saying.

Using one of the favourite expressions by Steve Jobs, the Google official seemed to confirm that the tech giant is not only refreshing its line of Nexus devices but it also intends to deploy them with better hardware and software specs.

The Nexus 4, for instance, is already a prized gadget among hardcore Android fans but many would agree that the camera included with the smartphone will not measure up to the competition.

The phone's snapper, according to BGR News, is routinely trounced by the likes of iPhone from Apple, Galaxy S3 from Samsung and even the Droid DNA from HTC.

Experts pointed to mediocre rendition of Nexus both in hardware department and its stock Android version. Mr Gundotra's comments seemed to suggest that Google is working to correct this mistake in the next Nexus upgrade.

Widely believed to take the name Nexus 5, the rumoured signature phone from Google will have a 13MP sensor on its rear-camera plus software enhancement tools to make it at par with the leading pack.

The new handset is expected to upgrade on the generous specs that were seen in Nexus 4 while likely maintaining the starting price of $299 that made the handset an instant global hit. Expert believed that Nexus 4 would have tussled it out with the top gadgets in the sales contest had its problematic supply chain did not hamper its global distribution.

It remains unclear if LG will be the Nexus 5 manufacturer, with experts noting that Google partly blamed the firm for the problems that hounded the Nexus 4 production and shipment activities.