Another part of Google's various services will shut down on July 1, 2013, as part of their spring cleaning. The company decided to axe down the Google Reader RSS which was launched back in 2005. The last update of the product was an integration for the Google+ social network and the removal of the Reader's own sharing service.

Google offers user a way to export their Reader content, including lists of users followed, starred and liked articles.

Google is also killing off the support of Google Voice App for Blackberry. Other cleaning of Google includes halt for selling and desktop version update of the Snapseed photo editing app and more developer APIs.

"Usage of Google Reader has declines, and as a company we're pouring all of our energy into fewer products," Google said, quoted by The Verge.

With the impending death of Google Reader, the RSS service had become the de facto standard for third-party clients, users, and developers alike who all will need to find an alternative. Feedly believes it has a solution for the fading Google Reader. Feedly is working on a project that clones Google Reader API and envisions a "seamless transition" once Reader kicks off. However, Feedly notes that there might be some slight changes with authentication and feed organisation.

Other app developers such as the creator of Press and Reeder are comforting users of their commitment on finding a solution.

"Don't worry, Reeder won't die with Google Reader" - Reeder (@reederapp)

"We've poured our blood, sweat, and tears into making Press an app that people love. And we'll figured out a solution to keep working on it" - TwentyFive Squares (@25squares)

A sign of hope awaits Google Reader users that third-party apps will provide a healthy ecosystem and new environment for the declining RSS. For now, keep your favourite Web sites on your browser.