What actually are you getting by snapping up Google's Nexus 7, which recently has been named by UK-based tech site T3 as 2012's 'Gadget of the Year'?

For one, consumers will enjoy an Android tablet that is "affordable yet luxurious," as per T3's reasons in picking out the Asus-assembled slate over more high-profile competitors such as Apple's iPhone 5 and Samsung's Galaxy S3.

And just last week, Google unleashed a 3G 32GB model of the tablet that would give buyers in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom chance to own what reviewers labelled as fantastic product without spending too much.

The power that came with Nexus 7's quad-core processing muscle and HD screen rendering gained further traction with the added cellular connectivity, leading to the likelihood that its added portability and accessibility will only earn more plaudits and buys for the compact tablet.

At around the same time that Nexus 7's reach has been shoved beyond the Wi-Fi signal, popular tech site Lifehacker asked Android fans on their pick as the best tablet of the platform's current crop. The popular returned Nexus 7, which garnered 55 per cent, or close to 8000 picks, of the totals votes cast.

The 7-inch tablet bested Android rivals that were made by Asus and Samsung - comprising of three devices that were not lacking in sexiness and power though Lifehacker said those who participated in the informal poll appeared sold on all the important characteristic of the lean and mean Google machine.

The Nexus 7 was praised "for its size, battery life, beautiful display, and build quality ... not to mention its software features, like Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and Google Now," Lifehacker said on its report.

But what clinched the vote is the Nexus 7's price come-on, which is virtually incomparable when its hardware specs are factored in. This tablet is practically a steal, gadget experts said, which is exactly what Google has intended for the whole bunch of it Nexus roll out - providing affordable ways to spike up its traffic.

T3 summed it up appropriately for the Nexus 7, acclaiming it as "a 7-inch haven for watching movies, browsing the web and playing games, and could be the first Android device to truly challenge the iPad in terms of sales."

In essence, Google supplied just the right reasons for consumers to go get a tablet soon, which in the case of Nexus 7 comes with affordability and more than enough capabilities, said the T3 review.

And with the entry of 3G in the Nexus picture, "we're confident this tablet will deliver the ultimate Google experience," Sylvia Chind of UK retailer Three told T3.