A new $2.5 million social housing development has officially opened in Brooklyn Park, Adelaide to provide at least 10 people at risk of homelessness with a roof over their heads.

Senator for South Australia, Anne McEwen, on Thursday represented the Australian Government at the opening of the Stanley Grove rental housing project, which received $2.5 million from the Australian Government's Social Housing Initiative.

"This wonderful facility will provide a home for many who are in need who would otherwise struggle to find an affordable and stable place to live," Senator McEwen said.

"This development will provide many people now and in the years to come with a stable place to live which we know is an important part of people staying connected with their community.

"I would like to pay tribute to the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide and the Frederic Ozanam Housing Association, which has a long history of providing housing for people in need, for their involvement in this project."
South Australian Minister for Housing Jennifer Rankine attended the official opening by Archbishop Philip Wilson and said the 10 two-bedroom units were the latest homes opened in South Australia as part of the Federal Government's Nation Building Economic Stimulus Package program.

"We are undertaking the biggest social housing build in more than 20 years with over 1,360 new houses being built. Over $200 million over four years is also being invested to support tenants with high needs," Ms Rankine said.

"The new homes opened today at 'Stanley Grove' are part of the important work we are doing in this state to support vulnerable members of our community and will be run by the Frederic Ozanam Housing Association which currently manages 122 properties through Community Housing."

"The association provides affordable rental accommodation to people on low incomes, such as the elderly, single parent families, single people and people from culturally diverse backgrounds across the metropolitan area.

"For these South Australians, having a stable home at Stanley Grove will be a big step towards greater independence while being supported as part of a strong community."

Federal Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib said the $5.6 billion Social Housing Initiative was the single largest investment in social housing ever undertaken by an Australian Government.

"The Social Housing Initiative, delivered under the Government's stimulus package, is designed to assist low income Australians who are homeless or struggling in the private rental market," Senator Arbib said.
Under the Initiative, more than 19,300 homes are being constructed across the nation and already 12,000 have been completed.

"Through the Initiative, the Australian Government has supported more than 15,000 jobs, and helped shield Australia from the recession that hit most other economies.