Grey's Anatomy Season 9 is not running a fresh episode this week, but fans can enjoy three preview clips on YouTube. Arizona Robbins is back at work, and Owen Hunt would like to keep things normal despite the lawsuit filed by the plane crash survivors.

'Grey's Anatomy' Season 9 Episode 6: In 'Second Opinion,' the lawsuit moves forward

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Preview Clip: Owen talks lawsuit

In this preview clip, Owen leads the surgeon's daily meeting. He announces Arizona is back and encourages everyone to "make her feel welcome." Camera shows how Alex reacts as the others cheered. Callie suggests, "don't make a big deal out of it."

Then just when the surgeons thought the meeting's over, Owen brings up the awkward lawsuit subject.

"Most of you are aware that a group of our doctors have filed a lawsuit against our hospital," Owen begins. Camera shows different expression on the faces of Meredith, Derek, Richard, Callie and Yang. Things really seem awkward for Callie, who has been sitting in the legal meetings as Arizona's proxy.

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Episode 6 Recap: Arizona Robbins Gives 'Second Opinion,' Cristina Yang Returns, as Docs Talk Lawsuit

Owen says the lawsuit does not affect their jobs as doctors.

Yang listens intently to what Owen has to say on the subject. She does not seem to disagree with how Owen chose to approach the matter.

In the previous episode, Yang learns that Owen lied about the head of surgery pushing for the hospital to take her back. It's Owen who did the pushing. The bit of revelation comes as a shock to Yang. Clearly, Owen does not want her to know he's got her back. It seems this couple will have "the talk" soon.

Are you hopeful for a total reconciliation?

Below are two more preview clips on next week's episode of Grey's Anatomy Season 9.

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Preview Clip: Meredith's 'touchy' patient

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Preview Clip: Bailey talks 'puffy dress' and undergarments

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