Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures premiered an extended trailer to promote the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" three weeks before its scheduled release date.

In just a matter of two days, the 2.28-minute long extended trailer already generated over 270,000 views which suggested that the space epic could possibly be a huge hit when it reaches the cinemas.

The extended trailer featured an action-packed video from a group of unlikely superheroes who are composed of misfits, outcasts, and thieves. The superheroes branded as "a team so good it's criminal" joined forces to save the universe. There are plenty of one-liners in the clip as it unfolds to the retro soundtrack of "Cherry Bomb" from The Runaway.

In the trailer, Zoe Saldana who played the role of enigmatic green Gamora asked: "Why do you risk your life for this?" "Because right now, life's giving us a chance to do something good, something bad, better both," came the reply from Christ Pratt who played the role of Peter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lord.

Adapted from the Guardians of the Galaxy comic book, the extended trailer suggested a comedy and light-hearted approach in the actual film. The film was set in the same universe as Avengers which was also a lucrative Marvel franchise.

Rounding up the cast in "Guardians of the Galaxy" are Dave Bautista who played the role as the formidable Drax the Destroyer, Lee Pace who played the role as Ronan the Accuser, and Bradley Cooper who voiced the gun-toting Rocket Raccoon. Also starring in the film are Karen Gillan (as Nebulla), Vin Diesel (as voice for Groot), Michael Rooker (as Yondu), Benecio del Toro (as collector), Glenn Close ( as Nova-Prime), and Josh Brolin (as voice for Thanos).

Movie ticketing company Fandango placed a new spot in its Web site for the "Guardians of the Galaxy" so that fans can have a full look at everything in upcoming movie. The Web site features 19 video clips that fans can watch while waiting for the film's release date.

"Guardians of the Galaxy" is directed by James Gunn and produced by Kevin Feige. It is scheduled for release in cinemas on Aug. 1, 2014.

Watch the extended trailer of "Guardians of the Galaxy" from YouTube.

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