Actress Zoe Saldana poses on the red carpet as she arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Grace of Monaco" (Grace de Monaco) out of competition during the 67th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes May 14, 2014.
Actress Zoe Saldana poses on the red carpet as she arrives for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film "Grace of Monaco" (Grace de Monaco) out of competition during the 67th Cannes Film Reuters

Exploring the outer space of the Marvel Universe not only showcases the "Guardians of the Galaxy" members Star Lord, with his infamous Walkman, Rocket's angry streak and Groot's ability to stretch himself, but also shows their comical side, which is bound to make the movie also humorous.

Peter Quill

Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) takes center stage at the start of "Guardians of the Galaxy."

The movie starts off in1988 with an eight-year old Peter Quill storming out of his house after an argument with his parents. He's barely had a chance to fall on his knees and weep when he is abducted by an alien spacecraft that suddenly materialized into view. Along for the ride is his only possession; a backpack full of '80s memorabilia including his Walkman.

Flash forward 26 years to the abandoned red planet of Morag, where Peter Quill, now Star Lord is hunting for an orb to steal. He uses what looks like a high-torch device to survey the planet. With a touch of a button his helmet vanishes so he could slip on his headphones and literally dance his way towards the orb. According to Totalfilm, this scene breaks off the seriousness of the sci-fi setup and showcases Star Lord's likeability.

Apparently Star Lord is not the only one in need of the orb. Korath (Djimoun Hounsou) caught up with him however he manages to escape only to be flung into another prison where he meets Gamora, Rocket and Groot.

Rocket Raccoon

Over the course of the prison sequence, Rocket Raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper) was a standout. He's the one scheming up a plan to get them out of prison. There's also a hint of why Rocket is such an angry little fella according to Totalfilm, and that could be because of the metal nodes that are attached to his back, a reminder of the genetic experimentation he's been subjected to.

One particular scene in "Guardians of the Galaxy" showed Rocket's comical side when he attempted to rescue Star Lord from Yondu's ship with some ridiculously heavy-handed negotiating tactics. His failed attempt at a rescue led the other guardians to be taken as hostages. His only thought at the situation was a grumble when he said "I didn't have time to work out the minutiae of the plan."


Groot, a tree-being, also stood out with his ability to grow and alter his shape at will when the situation requires. At one point he had his arm puffed into twigs as shield from machine-gun fire, and he can also stretched up to reach important items.

Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) also defended Star Lord from the attention of a hulking-space brute by lifting it upward via his nostrils. Probably the funny side of Groot is his capability to utter only three words whatever the situation and that's "I Am Groot" (as seen on the trailer below).

Probably another funny scene in "Guardians of the Galaxy" is Groot's curiosity at Star Lord's Walkman.

According to Geektyrant, while Groot was all alone on the Milano he saw Star Lord's Walkman and out of curiosity, he pressed on play. His eyes went wide when the cassette spins so he leaned in for a better look. When the song "Hooked on a Feeling" suddenly played, he recoiled in surprise (see video below).

Totalfilm quoted Kevin Feige on the concept of humour in "Guardians of the Galaxy."

"The humour will be the key to pulling in audiences that might otherwise be turned off by genre fare," he said.

Aside from the sc-fi action, Totalfim claimed it's the likeable characters of Star Lord, Rocket and Groot that people are excited to see and spend

Source:YouTube/Marvel Entertainment

Source:YouTube/Fresh Movie Trailers