Director James Gunn arrives at the premiere of his film "Super"
Director James Gunn arrives at the premiere of his film "Super" in Hollywood, California March 21, 2011. Reuters/Fred Prouser

James Gunn, the writer and director of "Guardians of Galaxy," answered some of the fans' questions and revealed some aspects of the movie that did not feature in the movie. He is currently busy working on the sequel of the move that is slated to be released in 2017.

James Gunn was speaking at a Q&A session with Jeff Goldsmith. The very first question the director took was from an eight year old who wanted to know how all the aliens in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie spoke English, unlike the "Star Wars" movies that feature different alien languages.

James Gunn requested the fans to have some 'cinematic leniency" in these matters, but answered the question by saying that Chris Pratt, for example, had a translator implant in his head. So all the aliens in "Guardians of the Galaxy" are speaking different languages but appear to be speaking English on screen.

Talking about the changes made to the end credit scene of "Guardians of the Galaxy," the director said that there was a scene where Rocket walks into the room where the Collector keeps all his possessions and sees the dog Cosmo. Cosmo is a dog from the comic books that doesn't like Rocket Raccoon.

The scene is also said to have included Groot opening a box to reveal an angry Stan Lee sitting inside. Marvel evidently did not agree with some of James Gunn's ideas and the character Howard the Duck made an appearance in the end credit scene.

James Gunn was also hoping for an end credit scene from the upcoming "Avengers" movie. He said that the movie "Captain America 2" got that scene instead. In order to come up with another scene from the "Guardians of the Galaxy" universe, the director reportedly considered having the dog Cosmo talk.

James Gunn said that he doesn't remember whether it was he who came up with the idea of including Howard the Duck or if it was the film editor Fred Raskin's idea. The director said that the idea was initially considered as a joke but was later added to the script.

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