Movie director Guillermo del Toro has known "Hellboy" actor Ron Perlman since 1989. In a fun recollection, where he admitted he was dazed upon meeting the actor for the first time, del Toro openly called Ron Perlman a "fat man."

During a Reddit AMA, fans asked the director on the status of "Hellboy 3" and why it hasn't been made. During their exchange of questions and answers, one fan asked him to share his recollection of when he first met the "Hellboy" actor Ron Perlman.

A fan nicknamed judomonkeykyle asked, "Do you have any interesting stories pertaining the two of you?"

del Toro said he has a lot of stories to tell but couldn't reveal them. However he added that Ron Perlman is "secretly a fat man." The director revealed that the "Hellboy" actor has a sweet-tooth.

"He loves sweets," he said.

Since he is "fat" it usually takes the actor a "great follow-through" when he's on a diet. Likewise when he is on training before they both start filming a movie.

"I am his torturer, and a fire barrier, a firewall, between him and the flan," he said.

Del Toro claimed if Ron was left to enjoy all the food that he wants, then he would be "all jiggle" and would end up looking just like him.

The fan followed through with another question, "What was your experience like when you first met Ron Perlman?"

Guillermo del Toro admitted he was dazed when he first met Ron Perlman in 1989. After all, he was one of his favorite actors and he even obliged to meet him to talk about his project. He recalled meeting the actor in an Indian restaurant in LA on Wilshire Boulevard. He said their friendship started when they both ordered desserts prior to the main course. The director said he usually starts his meal with a dessert and also because he wouldn't know for sure if he could afford the whole meal.

del Toro went as far back as to distinctly remember what Ron was wearing when they first met to talk about Chronos. He said he was dressed hardcore- blue Miami vice suit, with the jacket adorned with a silver bolt on the back.

"Very very hardcore 1990s!" he exclaimed.

As to the status of "Hellboy 3," Guillermo del Toro thinks it's "not happening" despite his and Ron Perlman's excitement to do the movie. The studio reportedly showed no interest in financing its production. However, Screenrant suggested that if del Toro's new projects (including FX's "Strain" and upcoming 2015 movie "Crimson Peak") can put him back to the top of being a successful director, then the studio would probably finance "Hellboy 3." After all, the first two "Hellboy" movie franchises were well-received by fans and critics, so a third installment should happen.

Source: YouTube/Red Carpet News TV