After a summer blockbuster "Pacific Rim" with "Sons of Anarchy" star Charlie Hunnam, director Guillermo del Toro is teaming up with Hunnam once again in a thriller movie "Crimson Peak." Now in Canada for his next directorial outing, the "Hellboy" director is currently filming a ghost story set in England with "Alice in Wonderland" actress Mia Wasikowska and "Thor" star Tom Hiddleston.

Del Toro described his latest movie as "a very set-oriented, classical but at the same time modern take on the ghost story. Set in Cumbria in the rural and mountainous region of Northern England, "Crimson Peak" is about a young author who discovers that her charming husband has a secret she is not meant to discover.

"Crimson Peak is a much, much, much smaller movie, completely character-driven. It's an adult movie, an R-rated movie, pretty adult. Shockingly different from anything I've done in the English language," he revealed in an interview posted on Screen Rant. "Normally, when I go to do a movie in America for the spectacle and younger audience, for Blade or whatever. This movie's tone is scary and it's the first time I get to do a movie more akin to what I do in the Spanish movies."

Known as a classic gothic thriller full of blood and sex, "Crimson Peak" will feature very visceral, physical violence. "You're in this sort of sedate romance and then there is this brutal moment where you're like, "Whoa!" And it has a lot of kinky moments. The only kinky moment I've ever shot is the leg f**k in The Devil's Backbone. [laughs] This has a little more kinkiness than that," he added.

Replacing "The Amazing Spiderman" star Emma Stone, Wasikowska is playing Edith Cushing as the film's lead character who discovered that her husband is not what he appears to be. "Sherlock" actor Benedict Cumberbatch was set to play the mysterious husband but was replaced by Hiddleston due to conflicting schedules.

"Crimson Peak" is set to be released in October 16, 2015.

For more picture on the film's set check out the link here.