Gwyneth Paltrow Found New Love
Gwyneth Paltrow is rumored to be dating Brad Falchuk Reuters

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin have announced their divorce plans for months now. But instead of facing it, they are currently putting their divorce plans on ice.

Instead of "consciously uncoupling," the words they used to describe their situation, MIrror UK reported they are at present "consciously recoupling." But what about Rihanna?

According to the Irish Examiner, Martin recently admitted to being infatuated with the "Diamonds" singer.

The new report announced to the world the couple heading for a divorce did more good to them than what they have thought. They suddenly realized what they are throwing away and what they are risking.

Friends believed after they put it out that a divorce is impending for them, this took the heat off their 10-year marriage, making them realized their marriage is still worth something just to be thrown away.

With this realization, the Mirror UK cited the couple suddenly rediscover the spark they lost along the way. The site claimed Paltrow and Martin are now behaving like "flirty teens intent on ­consciously recoupling."

Their friends claimed they were by no means joking about breaking up and divorcing. They even have all sorts of plans to ensure a friendly relationship after the divorce. But the same plans acted as a wake-up call to them, making them see they are making a big mistake.

One friend said, "It's true they had problems, but in the weirdest way this 'conscious uncoupling' situation has relieved the pressure on them."

"Gwyneth had ground rules about not ­immediately dating, respecting each other, keeping things happy for their two children and communicating throughout but it seems to have acted as a wake-up call."

"Chris still lives with her, they are amazingly lovey-dovey together and she still wears her wedding ring."

"They may have consciously ­uncoupled a few months ago - but they seem to be recoupling now. No one will be surprised if they get back together." Mirror UK reported.

One friend to the couple claimed their relationship can be compared to the relationship between Legendary Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. They cannot live with each other, but they cannot live without each other either.

Another friend shared, "There's definitely something of Burton and Taylor in them."

"But Chris and Gwyn did things in a very different way. There was a lot of talking, a lot of analysis - probably too much - and when they decided to call it a day, actually what they'd done was clear the air and given each other an exit route."

"I think both of them saw it - and then looked at what they have."

The friend further shared: "Chris also felt super-protective about the flak and criticism levelled at Gwyn when it came out."

"He felt it was unfair and ­uncalled for and he stepped in to make her feel better," a friend noted.

"He also put it out that a lot of the problems were down to him, not her - I guess that also added to him standing by her rather than walking away," the site reported.

Still, Martin's intoxication with Rihanna may affect this possible reconciliation. According to news reports, Martin is infatuated with Rihanna.

According to the Irish Examiner, "They plan on spending much more time together. Chris felt suffocated by Gwyn because she's such a perfectionist. But Rihanna is more down-to-earth and carefree and beautiful. He thinks she's intoxicating."