Hailey Owens murder is one of the most poignant tales in the history of crimes. 10-year old Hailey was abducted and murdered by a 45-year-old old elementary school athletic coach, for no fault of hers.

On the bright sunny afternoon of Feb. 18 Hailey was walking home from school when Craig Wood pulled up his car in lieu of asking directions. According to eyewitness, Craig jumped out from his vehicle and forcefully dumped Hailey in his car.

According to reports by Hollywoodlife.com various witness have reported that they saw Craig pulling up his car next to Hailey, jumping out and dragging her in.

One of the female witness statement as reported by KSDK.com is, "Hailey tried to walk away from the vehicle, but Wood opened the door of his truck and said "Hey, come here for a minute," extending his hand to her, and motioning for him to come to him. "

The witness further said, "When the girl took a step closer to the truck, Wood grabbed her and "threw her into the truck 'like a rag doll."

Another witness Carlos Edwards revealed to local news reporter that he and his wife encountered the pick-up truck moving up and down in the block before finally coming to Hailey.

Reportedly, when the driver of the truck, Craig tried forcefully pushing Hailey in the truck, Carlos tried chasing the truck in wake of getting the license plate number. Soon after the incident took place, Carol's wife called 911.

Within three hours of abduction, the police authorities arrested Craig from his home but sadly by that time Hailey was already murdered. According to CNN reports, "During an immediate search of the home, police reported smelling bleach in the basement. Hailey's body was later found in a storage bin inside the home where she had suffered a gunshot to the head."

Craig is now charged with the crime of first-degree murder, armed criminal action, and child kidnapping. The accused worked in the Springfield Public Schools system in 1998 as a paraprofessional.

Incharge officer Superintendent Norm Ridder has stated to the media that Craig's employment would be "suspended until this matter is resolved."